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Ampol App

Introducing the faster way to pay for fuel. FuelPay is a feature available on the Ampol App that lets you pay for fuel via phone without the need to queue in store.

FuelPay® can only be used at participating Ampol sites. FuelPay is currently available to use across more than 600 participating Ampol sites across Australia.

FuelPay® is available to all customers who have downloaded the Ampol App, registered for FuelPay® and would like to pay for fuel using a valid MasterCard or Visa card, or using Apple Pay. You must ensure you have a working internet connection on your phone to be able to use FuelPay®. Some stores may have customer Wi-Fi which you can connect to use FuelPay®.

You are only able to have one AmpolCard linked to one account, which can only be used on one device. If you would like to add another fuel card, you will need to remove the AmpolCard you have set as your payment method.

AmpolCash cannot be used with FuelPay. You are welcome to go in-store and spend your AmpolCash  gift card.